
8 Tips To Ketosis How to Get Into Ketosis ‘Fast’: Invaluable tips to Ketosis in 48 hours . To get there, you must correctly adapt the keto diet. Below are my 8 tips that should help you do just that and get your body into ketosis faster: Tip 1: To get into ketosis faster, eat less than 20g of carbs a day. The reduction in carb intake puts your body in a metabolic state called Ketosis, where fat from your body is burned for energy. Tip 2: Drink water, about 100 ounces per day. The benefit of this is: Replaces lost water from the elimination of carbs. Curbs hunger and regulates your appetite. Less stress on your kidneys. Water helps fat metabolize faster. Tip 3: Purchase some Ketosis strips. Getting some validation that the diet is actually working will be a great motivation to keep you on a diet considering the intimidating nature of the first few days of the diet. Tip 4: Do not panic. Be aware of the keto flu coming your way. The dizziness, the irrita...
So You Want Wealth  Steps to having a truly successful life in online marketing. What is it to be truly wealthy, is it the material things that one would possess or the land one might own or the amount of money one might have?  Those are the basic questions to what a individual might think wealth is. I can assure you wealth goes much deeper than mere possessions and their are steps that you the reader could take to achieve not only that wealth which is tangible, but the inner wealth which is truly more important.  Inner and outer wealth go hand in hand, you cant have one without the other and that is the reason I am writing this blog, to give insight into that inner wealth, which will allow you to have that outer wealth. That is why I am typing this blog, without banners, links or even videos on the multiple items and services that I could sell you. This information is free, not only because I choose it to be but because everybody has the right to the knowledge...
8 Amazing Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet The Ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet which involves reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a state of Ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes more efficient at burning fat for energy. Here are some of the amazing benefits of the Ketogenic diet. #1: the keto diet can help you obtain ( and maintain !) a healthy weight: The keto diet is excellent for losing fat and keeping it off, by using your bodys fat as fuel you maintain your energy levels while loosing that excess body weight. #2: the keto diet boosts brain function: When going keto, most people experience an improvement in their brain function and mental clarity. The keto diet supports your brain in various ways and for various reasons. A major reason is that ketosis enhances mitochondrial functioning. #3: the keto diet can help manage or even reverse diabetes: Many studies show minimi...

All about the Keto Diet

The Ketogenic diet or Keto for Short The ketogenic or low carb diet is about consuming a lot of protein and fats but fewer carbs. This diet makes the body send the fats that we consume to the liver, which the latter transform it into energy to keep the body strong and active for a long time without feeling tired quickly. The word ketogenic is derived from the word “ketosis” which means the state of the body when it doesn’t have enough glucose in it to turn it into energy, so it generates ketones that work as an amazing source of energy for both the body and the brain which makes it a great option for losing weight in a short term. The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet  So far, there are a lot of great benefits of the keto diet, but no negative effects have appeared yet at all; which makes it the delicious diet that fits everybody. Here are other health benefits of keto diet:   1. Increases the level of HDL: One of the best aspects of the ketogenic diet is that it increase...
Did you know that some estimates put the the Affiliate Marketing Industry as high as $6.8 BILLION a YEAR in the US alone. Industry-leaders like ClickBank PAY OUT MILLIONS in commissions EVERY YEAR to their Affiliates. As an Affiliate, your job is easy... Just find people who want to buy a certain type  of product. When those people buy - you get paid commission. It’s that simple! Go to this private page right now to see exactly how simple it can be: You DON’T have to create your own products You don't even need your own website And for ever product you sell, you can make as much as 75% in commissions! That’s INSANELY HIGH! OK so you might think that making an income from Affiliate Marketing is easy. Maybe you could become a millionaire within a month? Yeah right! Anyone who promises you that is a shameless scammer. I know...
Why Do We Crave Sugary Food? For many of us the sight of a freshly glazed doughnut can feel like falling in love and coming home to a pack of unopened cookies can feel like the adult version of Christmas morning. There’s something about sugar that hooks us and keeps reeling us in again and again. Whether we like it or not sugar has a major hold on us. If you’re reading this it’s highly likely you understand, and have first-hand experience, of this allure. Sugar isn’t just confectionary, it’s compulsion; there is no such thing as stopping after “just one.” I mean, if one is good, more is better. At least that’s what it feels like with the sweet stuff. We are given many reasons for our sugar cravings: pleasure-seeking brain circuits, intestinal parasites, mineral deficiencies, malnutrition, habitual behavior, unbalanced diets, too much salt, buried emotional issues, lack of sleep, stress.... and my favorite, lack of discipline. We are not at a loss for reasons for our addiction to su...